Day 22


Sarcasm and Cynicism are just one’s sense of humor, RIGHT?  I always thought so, until I heard it explained this way:

Our brains are very black and white. They are not controlled by our emotions. Thus, the words that come our of our mouths are factual to our brains. If I say jokingly “Geezz I’m stupid, when am I going to figure this out!” My brain accepts that I am stupid. If I say, “No one really cares!” My brain computes that no one really cares. Our brains can not decipher between fact, sarcasm and cynicism; nor can it take into account our emotions when such things are said.

Why is it important for us to guard our hearts and watch every word that comes out of our mouth? Because intentionally or not intentionally our minds compute and believe those words. Once our brains grasp a concept – it begins to think in that way.

Day 21

The Riches of His Grace

One of the biggest realization for me over the past 7 months is the fact that I did not understand God’s Grace. As I have studied God’s Grace, it isn’t as easy as Fear not – only believe. I’m not sure if one could ever truly understand all that God’s Grace encompasses.

I stumbled on a well-known English Bible Theologian for the 30’s and 40’s. (Apparently not well-known to me!)  I devoured three of his books. Then I found a site that allows me to listen to his sermons. I’m hooked. I can sit for hours, listening to him talk.  It may be because he rolls his “R”s. I may be because he speaks proper English. More likely is the fact that his message is pure. I’ve never heard anyone speak of God’s Grace in such a way.

The Riches of His Grace

Day 20

Peace crushes fear

John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives, do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid.

Peace is a gift. Peace has already been given. My assignment, to not let my heart be troubled or afraid.

Day 19

Guard your heart.

Proverbs 4:23  Guard your heart with all diligence, for from it flows the springs of life.

The bible tells us frequently to guard our hearts, to guard wisdom, to guard our minds. It never says guard your money, your career,  or even your children. It takes all our efforts to guard our own hearts. Does this mean that all those other things which needs our attention should not be guarded? By no means. They will be guarded but it isn’t our job – it’s His. I guard my heart and God will guard my family, wealth, career …

The result of such a life – PEACE and assistance in guarding our hearts. Philippians 4:7 And the peace of GOD which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Day 18

All the voices!

My head is full of voice. Some make me laugh, others get me in trouble, a few make me remember, and some I wish I could shoot.

It is very important to learn to decipher the voices in our heads.  I hear a lot of Christians saying, “God told me…”. In the Old Testament if a person said “God told me…” and it didn’t come to pass – they were stoned! It’s quite possible they were stoned when they said it, but most certainly they were stoned after.

It can be very disappointing to realize that voice in your head is not God but your own wishes, dreams or desires. I believe God can and does speak to us;  I also know that there can be a lot of good voices in your head that aren’t God. The mature Believer takes the time and pains to learn the difference. Not surprisingly, it is those who have, whose own voice speaks with God’s wisdom.

Day 17

Fix my kids!

Mark 5 tells two stories. A father came to Jesus to ask if Jesus would come and heal his 12-year-old daughter. On the way, Jesus passes a woman who had been sick. She had spent all her money, time and energy seeking a cure. As Jesus walked by, the woman reached out and touched the edge of his robe. Jesus stopped and turned to talk to her. She was healed, she was grateful, she had also been sick for 12 years.

There are many lessons in these two stories. What intrigues me is the 12 years. Jesus is on his way to heal a 12-year-old girl, but he first stops to heal the woman who was old enough to be her mother.

I won’t claim this is a fact – it remains a theory;

On the way to healing or fixing or rescuing the child, Jesus will always stop to heal the parent who seeks Him.

I have yet to speak with a parent whose child has gone through difficult times where the parent has not felt the pain more. It’s the parent who learns to release their child. It’s the parent who is forced to trust, grow and change. It is the parent who finds healing. Jesus does not ignore the child, neither will he ignore the parent.