Cookie Mush

When our oldest son Raun was less than one year, Jeff and I decided to load up the truck and move to North Carolina. I was familiar with NC because I had spent my teen summers working at a youth camp my aunt and uncle were responsible for. My uncle was the founder and director and my aunt ran the kitchen. It was shortly after we arrived that Aunt Meryle and I were discussing what title she would like Raun to call her. Would she be Auntie, Aunt, Meryle…? Meryle thought for a moment and then replied, “Granny. I like Granny Meryle!” That was 31 years ago, to this day she is still lovingly referred to as Granny Meryle.

In 2010 I spent a few weeks with Meryle in her home in Charlotte NC, a place I knew very well. We looked at pictures, talked about the past as we worked to begin the process of cleaning out her home. I returned home with my grandfather’s pocket watch, pictures of my mom and aunt Meryle, some linens, my favorite red dinnerware that I had fallen in love with 30 years ago as well as pieces from my grandparents wedding china; but the most precious box that accompanied me home was the one containing the recipes, cookbook and menu planners that Meryle had used over the last 40 some years in the camp kitchen.

Granny Meryle left this world on September 1, today we will be celebrating her life.  I’ve looked at that box of recipes for 3 years, scanned many into my computer, and retyped those that were too worn and used to read. It seems fitting to share this history with other. It seems fitting to share them now in honor of her. For the next year, I will be posting a selection of those treasures that are contained in that box on a site called:

Please join me ~

Jeannie Meryle Bruenning

Nov 6

At 10:00 tomorrow morning, Jeff and I will relive the phone call we received two years ago from Austyn telling us her water broke; almost 16 weeks early.  We will then recall Brian telling us that she had been airlifted to a hospital in Denver. By 5:00 Jeff and I were on a plane. At midnight we were in her room. The next morning on the way back to the hospital, we received a call that they had been rushed to the ER. When we arrived at the hospital we were informed that they were back in the delivery room – hoping that she could deliver naturally.

Around 2:00 Jeff and I stood outside the delivery room door, listening to the doctors giving instructions to push. A few minutes later a nurse walked out beaming. She simply said, “She’s breathing on her own – she’s a fighter.” For 3 1/2 months Emery Rain Ford lived in the hospital, I lived in Niwat CO and Jeff lived in CA.

On Nov 6 while the rest of the country is fighting over who will be president, I will be playing with Emery Rain as she turns two. I will be grateful for the insurance that allowed her to get the care she needed, for the extended unemployment that allowed me to care for my children as they cared for theirs. I will be grateful that we live in a country where we can choose who will watch over us. But most of all I will be confident that the God who was there 2 years ago and blessed us in allowing our Emery Rain Ford to survive will be the same God who will watch over us no matter who sits in an oval office.


It was just about a year ago, that our son opened up and let us know he was being physically abused by his wife. He felt he had to stay in order to protect the children. I recall one text message, “How do I get my kids out of there?” On January 9, God answered our prayers when she was arrested. It’s been a tough 11 months, to say the least. Four children, court hearings and lacking in funds, but through it all – healing has happened.

Last evening Raun posted this song on his FB page as his new theme song. I googled the lyrics. I’ve now watched the video multiple times while reading the words – for anyone who knows the journey of those who are fighting to free themselves from such a relationship, this is more than a theme song. This is a declaration of freedom, of health and of determination.  We’ve all LANDED!



We’d hit the bottom,
I thought it was my fault
And in a way I guess it was
I’m just now finding out
What it was all about

Moved to the west coast away from everyone
She never told me that you called
Back when I was still, I was still in love

Till I opened my eyes and walked out the door
And the clouds came tumbling down
And it’s bye-bye, goodbye, I tried
And I twisted it wrong just to make it right
Had to leave myself behind
I’ve been flying high all night
So come pick me up…I’ve landed

The daily dramas she made from nothing
So nothing ever made them right
She liked to push me and talk me back down
Until I believed I was the crazy one,
and in a way
I guess I was…

But I opened my eyes and walked out the door
And the clouds came tumbling down
And it’s bye-bye, goodbye I tried
Treading a sea of a troubled mind
Had to leave myself behind
Singing bye-bye, goodbye I tried

If you wrote me off I’d understand it
Because I’ve been on some other planet
So come pick me up…
I’ve landed

And you will be so
happy to know
I’ve come alone,
it’s over

But I opened my eyes and walked out the door
And the clouds came tumbling down
And it’s by my goodbye I tried
Down comes the reign of the telephone czar
It’s OK to call
Now I’ll answer for myself

Come pick me up,
…I’ve landed

Oktoberfest Terminoligy

These are few terms that will enhance your Oktoberfest experience:

aufstöin (v.): to donate a beer.

Batzerl (n.):  small amount of something.

biddscheen (n.):  please, can also mean “here you are” when someone is giving or serving something.

Brezn (n.):  Bavarian pretzel. Aesthetically twined string of dough, baked to a pastry. At the Oktoberfest, the giant “Riesnbrezn” are especially beloved.

daessn (v.):  to eat up

Deandl, Dirndl (n.):  girl. The second term can also be used for a traditional Bavarian livery.

Dusl (n.): luck.

eihebn (n.):  if you’re dizzy because of too much beer, you have to cling to something.

Fingahackln (n.):  Bavarian sport. Two men hook their middle fingers and try to pull the opponent over the table. Popular activity at the Oktoberfest.

Goaßmaß (n.):  Mixture of Coke, beer and cherry liqueur; has in fact nothing to do with Oktoberfest, something the Bavarians also vociferously verbalise: “Wos is’n des füra Schmarrn? Des arme Bier!” (What is that for an idiocy? Poor beer!)

Hoggableiba (n.):  repeater, guest who doesn’t want to go home. Proverb: “Do hogga di do, di do oiwa do hogga.” (There they sit, who always sit there).

Noagerlzuzla (n.):  person who drinks the last remainders from abandoned glasses, also used as a cuss.

ogschdocha (adj.):  tipsy.

Schuaplattler (n.):  Bavarian group dance for men, where you clap your hands on the thighs and the shanks.

zwieda (adj.):  bad tempered, ill-humoured.

Feel free to use all your new terms in sentence!

For a complete listing of terms:

Oktoberfest terminoligy


Oktoberfest 2011

Saturday was the official opening of Oktoberfest. This is a festival that Jeff and I look forward to celebrating each year. This year, Oktoberfest began 9/17/11 and ends 10/03/11. Taking into consideration family travel arrangements, we will be extending Oktoberfest one additional week; officially ending this yearly tradition on Saturday 10/08/11.

Saturday the 8th, also marks the last day of Yom Kippur, a Jewish holiday that celebrates the atonement for sins. It actually marks the day God forgave the Israelites for worshiping a golden cafe while Moses was up on the mountain getting the 10 commandments. Isn’t that an image? God/Moses vs. People and a cow. There are times I find it difficult to see humans as the intelligent species.  Yom Kippur is to be a day of fasting. Fasting vs. brats, pretzels and beer? There can be challenges when one tries to merge traditions from a German, Jewish and Scottish heritage. This year Oktoberfest will be celebrated and Yom Kippur will be remembered.

The invitations have been sent, menu planned, recipes collected. Each year we try to incorporate a new aspect, this year the addition is Lederhosen…oi, we’ll see how that goes. So the count down begins, 19 days to prepare.

Check out the History of Oktoberfest:

FFF…free from fear

I had the privilege to observe someone who had been living in fear, suddenly begin to live without fear. It was amazing! There was a noticeable change. It was obvious, it was measurable, it was contagious!

Living in fear of what is ahead, or what others may think or what might happen, affects the way we make decisions, even the smallest ones. Watching someone move from being fearful to being fearless is like watching some amazing event in nature unfold before you.

It not only impacts decision-making, it changes conversations, attitudes, level of happiness, and energy levels. Living free of fear draws other in, its like a magnet (unlike the maggots that fear creates).

I don’t think there’s a formula for becoming free for fear. If I had it, I would be writing a book not a blog. I do know it’s worth searching for it. It’s worth making the decision to become free. It’s worth taking step toward the goal. I highly recommending hanging out with others that are free…cause it’s a sight to behold.