Dress –priceless

My crazy aunt once told me she would frequent Goodwill to purchase satin wedding dresses which she made into pillowcases. I thought everything Aunt Meryle said was true, she was one of the coolest ladies I knew; that and the fact that my bullshit meter was not yet developed. Looking back, I doubt Auntie Meryle ever made a pillowcase in her life and I question that she ever set foot in a Goodwill; but it was a good story and she had lots of them.

I found myself in Goodwill a few years later and thought it would be a hoot to look at the wedding dresses, if indeed Goodwill had wedding dresses. To my amazement they did! An entire section of them. The dust and mildew made me sneeze as I sorted through them. Not a satin one in the bunch, just a lot of lace, taffeta, and bits of silk.

There was one that caught my eye. The lace work was amazing and the buttons ran from the butt to the neck. It’d take a half hour to get it buttoned, I thought. I searched through the lace to find a price tag. The tag displayed a $ with a large 2, this was followed by a small 5000. “It’s either $2.50 $25 or $250. I’ll just ask,” I said as I laid it in my cart. Hanging next to this great find was a veil that seemed to have no end. It was hastily wrapped around the hanger and upon further inspection was priceless.

I took both pieces to the checkout, “Can you tell me how much this is?” I asked showing the confused price tag.

“Ya,” said the guy behind the counter, “It’s $25.00.”

“I’ll take it.”

He rang up the $25 and then informed me, “All dresses are 10% off today, I guess this is a dress,” he said hesitantly. The register display read $22.50. He took the dress, rolled it into a ball and stuffed it in the bag. He then reached for the veil, unable to find a tag, “They must go together.” The veil was also rolled into a ball and joined the dress.

A few years later, when this kid I met when we were 11 asked me to marry him, we were planning a wedding…there was this dress hanging in my closet wrapped in a large garbage bag.

As I stood in the dressing room during the fitting of my attendances, the shop owner asked where I had purchased my dress. “I’m actually wearing one I have. It may need a few alteration,” I said. “Would you be willing to look at it?” “Certainly,” was her response.

At the next visit, the dress accompanied me. As I removed the garbage bag protector, the seamstress’s eyes widened. She began to carefully inspect the dress. “Where did you get this?” she asked. I hesitated. “Do you know what this is?”

Yeah – it’s a dusty old dress from Goodwill that was 10% off and the kid behind the counter rolled it up in a ball and shoved into the bag. Wait till you see the veil. “No,” I said.

“This is a Pricilla of Boston, and it appears that it has never been worn,” the seamstress said as she inspected it further. “I don’t think it’s even been modeled. So where did you get it?” I could tell by the awe in her voice, Pricilla of Boston meant something.

Avoiding the confession, I added, “There’s a full length cathedral veil that goes with it.”

She shook her head. “The veil alone would cost you $5,000.”  I bit my lips. In 1980 that was a price of a car.

Several version of my story began to run through my head, most left out the word Goodwill. “I’ve had it a few years,” I said. By now there were a few more people inspecting this treasure that had entered the store in a garbage bag. I finally mustard up the courage to tell my story.

“We won’t touch it,” she finally admitted. “It’s not that we don’t believe you, but with a dress like this, unless we know its history, we won’t risk it.”

Thirty-four years ago today, I wore that dress. It did take a half hour to button it up. I purchased a $5 pair of ballet slippers to wear with it since this kid that I had known since we were 11 was the same height as I and I didn’t want to be taller than he. My grandfather worried that the dress would fall apart as I walked down the aisle, Pricilla of Boston meant nothing to him, Goodwill did.

The $27.50 ensemble made it down the aisle and the kid that I’ve known since we were 11 have made it through thirty-four years of marriage. On our 30th anniversary, I told him that we were both young enough to end this marriage and have another 30 years with someone else. He quickly responded, “Who would ever want to do this again?” We both laughed and agreed, so we’re stuck with each other for another 30.

Happy 34th – to the kid I met when we were 11.


Footnote: Einstein said, “Either you believe everything is a miracle or nothing is.” I happen to believe that everything is; meeting the one you will spend your life with at the age of 11, 34 years of marriage, children, grandchildren … and priceless wedding dresses that end up in Goodwill.

Lessons Learned


Lessons Learned in Retail Management

Jeannie Bruenning

Managers are the heart, the soul and the brains of any retail operation.

Lessons Learned in Retail Management breaks down the manager’s role in four parts: the importance of understanding financials, the skills needed to manage employees, finding the lost art of customer service, and the importance of personal development. Twenty-five years in the making, it contains successful tools for building strong foundations and turning stores around.
Whether you are on the first rung of the ladder or feel as if you’re stuck somewhere in the middle, Lessons Learned in Retail Management is a primer in basic retail management and provides tools to help you continue to climb and reach the next rung.

Available through Amazon or www.asilverthread.com



I am forever finding notebooks, file folders and binders containing stories that I’ve written. One such notebook surfaced a short time ago. As I sat reading the short stories about managers I’ve worked with, stores I’ve run and businesses I’ve been involved with, I couldn’t help but wonder if it wasn’t time to put together that business book on management I promised myself I would write some day.

Shortly after this discovery, a rare job opportunity crossed my path. The job itself was not rare, it was managing a retail store. The rarity was the fact that in our little beach town of 8,000 people, of which 4,000 consider this their vacation home, there is an outlet mall a half-mile from my home with real stores; store that you would find in the big city, not in a beach town in the middle of nowhere.

The job posting was for an appeal store. I had never managed an appeal store. The thought of it actually made me laugh. Managing a store whose clientele would be 99.9% female, a staff that would most likely be women and telling others how to dress, not on my bucket list. The fact that I’ve always said I would never want to work anywhere where they had to deal with hangers and folding stuff also came to mine. But it was retail. I know retail and it could be fun writing a book while testing my theories in real time. This could be a great gig, half-mile from home, no late nights or early mornings; I could play the role of shop girl while writing my book.

During the interview I was told that the store was in trouble. It had experienced a constant decline in sales, BUT the potential was there (they always say that!). I confidently said that taking over stores in trouble never bothered me; in fact, most of my career has been about turning stores around. I got the job and started just before Christmas.

By the end of week one, we had already begun to see an increase in sales. By the end of the first quarter we were everyone’s radar. By the end of the year we had won a number of sales contests, hit the top 5 store lists on numerous occasions and solidified our standing in the top 20 store of the entire company. I actually received the “Best of the Best” award. Now, I’ve been saying it for years but to have someone else actually put it on a plaque, somehow makes it complete.

Us, the store in the little beach town had risen to the top. Come to find out, this store had not only been in trouble, it was on the chopping block. The lease was up, it was under-performing, and plans were in place for its’ closing. No wonder we were on the radar, we had not only gone from bad to good, we had gone from dead to great! So much for flying under the radar.

Year two rolled around and I finished Lessons Learned in Retail Management. “Thank goodness that year is over,” I thought. “This year will be my year out of the spot light; just run the store, have fun and get that book published.” My little shop around the corner is booming. As much as I want to say I would love to walk away, my curiosity is engaged; just how far can this store go?

Lessons Learned (while climbing the apparently never-ending ladder of success) in Retail Management is just that, lessons learned. For over 25 years I’ve been managing something. Most of my experience has been in retail, but not all. The bottom line is – managing is managing. The stage may change, the cast of characters may differ, the product sold may vary, but in the end it’s the same movie.

Managers are the heart and brains of a store, without them there is no life. It’s a tough job and a tough way to make a living, but anyone who has ever walked into a store to place an order or make a purchase is dependent on them. Without them, our consumer driven world would collapse.

Lessons Learned in Retail Management breaks down the manager’s role in four parts: the importance of understanding financials, the skills needed in managing people, finding the lost art of customer service, and the importance of personal development. Its 25 years in the making and has proven to be a successful tool for turning stores around, building strong foundations and becoming a successful manager – no matter how tall the ladder of success may be.


Their devils, My God

A good friend and I were talking about some difficult interactions we had encountered over the past week or so. The ones where it’s easy for the other person to suck the life out of you – fill your mind with frustrating conversation, and even push a few buttons.

She shared that after one such encounter, she had allowed it to affect her for several days. She didn’t sleep well and her entire day was filled with negative thoughts. On day four she said, “I realized I was allowing their devil to come into my life.” Interesting perspective, I thought.

We talked further about trying to balance difficult individuals in our lives. Mid sentence, she slapped her hand on the table and said, “That’s it! Allowing myself to take on their devils stopped me from sharing the love of my God.”

We’re warned not to get sucked into other’s problems. Not to become an enabler. Not to be a fixer. But why? Until that moment, I believed it was a way to protect ME. It now appears to have a much larger purpose. When I take on your devils, I can’t share my God’s love with you…

…and love trumps devils every time!

Made in His image

As a kid I envisioned God looking just like us – but bigger, way bigger. A few weeks ago while watching an interview on the Daily Show, Dr. Michio Kaku began explaining the complicity of our brains. He said that it would take a building the size of a city block, six stories high to hold a computer equivalent to our brain. “Made in His image,” came to mind. I looked at our son and said, “Maybe it’s our minds that are made in His image?”  “Of course, it is,” he replied. He is much smarter than I.

God refers to the danger of man’s mind a few times, but there are two that stand out to me. The first is in the Garden after Adam and Eve’s disobedience. God says, “They have become like us.” Those are very powerful and scary words. The other is when all the people of Babel are building a tower to heaven. God says, “They are one people with the same language and now there is nothing they try that will be impossible for them.” Another strong statement made by the Creator of the Universe. As with everyone’s greatest strength, it also becomes their greatest weakness. If indeed our minds are created in His image, it’s no wonder it is the mind that is under the most attach.

I’m no Dr.  Kaku, but if my 10th grade algebra serves me right, A=B and B=C, then A=C. God’s image, our minds. If we could ever get those crazy voices to stop telling us we’re naked, think of the possibilities.

Be Still…

Psalm 46:10:  Be still, and know that I am God

Four little words placed next to each other creating a command that takes a lifetime to understand.

Being still… It takes KFC commercials to remind us to sit down and have dinner. We are not accustomed to being still. Is it possible to be still yet be responsible? If God’s given me an intellect and the ability to solve problems, where is the balance between using my God given talents and being still?

Being still is a state of being, rather than a state of sitting on your ass and doing nothing. Being still reflects a spirit of peace, confidence and ability. Being still requires me to remove all the stress, anxiety and striving to “make it happen’. Being still is a result of Knowing. Knowing that there is a God who loves me, has plans for me, is going before me and has my back; Know God and be still.

There are many who claim to know God and have never experienced being still.  They live in a constant state of stress, unhappiness, worry, fear of the future, and are consumed by the pressure created in making life happen. These may know of God, but it’s likely they don’t know him. On the other side, there are those who appear to be still as they sit around waiting for God to move. They too lack the knowing part of know God.

In the story of Abraham and Sarah, God promises they will have a son. There’s no question of God’s promise – just his timing. For twenty-five years they waited. Did they do nothing during this time? I believe there is only one immaculate conception recorded in the Bible and that was many years later. Isaac wasn’t conceived because Abraham looked at Sarah and said, “I know God.”

Be still and know. Know what? That I am God.

Four little words, a lifetime of learning how to be still. A lifetime of getting to know God. The closer one is to knowing God the easier it is for them to be still.  Know God and be still.

Hey you! It’s time!!

Esther 4:13-14  “Do not imagine that you in the king’s palace can escape any more than all the Jews. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place and you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?”

Esther is the bible’s fairy-tale story; an orphan girl who becomes Queen and saves her people. If you’ve never read the story do yourself a favor, pour yourself your favorite beverage, find a comfortable chair and read Esther as if it’s a screen play. It’s a great story.

Esther has a beloved Uncle who watches over her from a far. When he gets wind that there is a plot to kill the Jews, of which he and Esther belong, he sends word to Esther that she must inform the king. Esther responses with, “that’s not as easy as it sounds.”

Esther 4:13-14 is her uncle’s reply. “Don’t fool yourself Esther. Your position won’t protect you. If you choose not to do anything, God will provide rescue another way. And who knows, just maybe you are Queen for such a time as this?”

I love that God’s plans are not completely depended on my ability. If I’m afraid and choose not to do as asked, it won’t derail God’s plans. It will affect me greatly. God’s plans, however, will work with or without me.  I also love the fact that no matter our status or position in this world, we never become exempt from being part of God’s plan.

For such a time as this; I believe that there are many ‘times as this’ in our lives. It is those times when God slaps you on the back of the head and whispers, “Pay attention, this is for you, it’s your time!”

Our ability to hear and willingness to listen, is what changes our worlds.