6 – She’s a ship!

Audio Lesson:  https://youtu.be/eDHWYQ2D1OM

She seeks wool and flax, and she works it with her hands. She is like the merchant ships, she brings food from afar.

I’m guessing that McDonald’s Drive Thru does not qualify for being like a merchant ship bringing food from afar. Seeking wool and flax, working with her hands, bringing food from afar…this a one creative mama.

She is engaged in life!! She is interesting because she reaches out past her little world. Kids growing up in this type of world are fun to be with. They become as creative and engaged in the outside world as their mother. Their worlds are huge and they aren’t afraid to explore them.

Woman who aren’t afraid to explore the world are engaging. They are great conversationalist. They aren’t afraid… WOW, there’s a big one. Our world is controlled by fear. This woman isn’t – she’s exploring the world, seeking it out, discovering all that is out there. If she is afraid, she doesn’t let it stop her. She is like a merchant ship, going from port to port, finding new ways of doing things, exploring the world that God has given her. Expanding her horizon beyond the town she lives. I not only want to be her, I want to be with her.

5 – Good not evil

Audio Lesson:   https://youtu.be/n1DcJ-moFL4

She requites him with good and not evil all the days of her life.

I love watching old couples. There seems to be two types. The first are the two who walk hand in hand, slowly, peacefully – simply enjoying being with each other. The others walk apart, the front one is about 10 steps ahead, head down, making great strides. The front leader is usually brushing the follower away. The follower does so like a little puppy. Head up, calm peaceful strides. The leader’s conversation revolves around how annoying the follower is, how he/she has to hide things, how lazy he/she is, and at times, how stupid they are.

Usually the conversation in my head is this, “ If I were stuck with you honey, I would be annoying, questioning, lazy and most likely have lost my mind to the point of being stupid. You must be a delight to live with.”

Doing good not evil is a way of life. It’s as simple as being kind; speaking kindly, acting kindly. It’s amazing how quickly we give into complaining. Many times we are the most unkind to the ones that are nearest to us. We are kinder at work or church than we are in our own kitchen.

It takes but one word, one little complaint, and suddenly there is a flood of gripping, bitching and venting that begins to flow like a river that has just broken through the damn.

Kindness doesn’t come easy, and it isn’t learned quickly; it’s a life time lesson. It’s also not for the weak hearted. It takes strength to be kind all the days of your life. It takes valor.

4 – Reliability

Audio Lesson:  https://youtu.be/rSY4_GyksN4 

Her husband relies on her, and he will lack no gain.

It takes a lot to rely on someone. There are many we think we should be able to rely on, there are only a few that are truly reliable. It takes time to build the level of trust required to be relied on. A reliable person is trustworthy, honest, dependable. She shows up when she says and complete the tasks she has.

Reliable people are organized, they manage their time wisely, they know how to prioritize their day, and they know how much they can handle. They don’t allow themselves to be too busy, scatterbrained, tardy, and always looking to things they’ve lost.

When God decided to make woman, he did so because, according to him, the boy needed help. Woman are made differently, we think differently, we respond differently. We are made to work together. We are made to be relied on.

I love that her partner was lack for nothing. Our world runs better when we have someone we rely on. Lacking for nothing is not a one sided statement. This isn’t, she does all the work supplying her partner their every need. This is a picture of two people working as a unit, relying on each other, freeing each other to be most they can be. In turn, both reap the rewards. If one lacks for nothing, than so does the other. Together they prosper.

3 – Don’t give it away!

Audio Lesson:  https://youtu.be/vh4ALPUQB1Y

Do not give your strength to women, nor your ways to the pleasure of kings.

Son, before we look at who you should seek out, let’s look at a few things you need to remember. Queen Mum may be referring to those I call “Life Suckers”. They are those who enter a room and immediately drain it of its energy. They are the ones who manipulate your time and expect you to be consumed with their personal problems, while never taking the initiative to fix their problems or get on with their life. They are the ones that when they have exhausted your energy, they easily and quickly move on to someone else. They are self- centered, self-serving, in other words, they are selfish. They take your strength from you.

1. Who are the life suckers in your life?


Have you ever been in a relationship with someone who wants you opposed to someone who needs you? Feeling needed is wonderful, it fulfills our personal desire to be important. It also requires something of us. We are needed for a reason. We are needed to fulfill an existing void. Something changes inside when we feel wanted. In a strange way, it frees us. In some ways it energizes us. Needing takes our strength, Wanting strengthens us. Don’t give your strength away. How profound.


Nor your ways to the pleasures of kings.


Kings can have whatever they want. For those of us outside the castle, this sounds pretty good. For those who have lived in a world where anything and everything they desire is at beckoning call, they know the dangers.

Son (or Daughter) don’t waste your strength, choose your relationships wisely. Don’t waste what riches you have been given, don’t allow them to ruin you.

1. What in your life waists your strength?


Don’t Lose Control

It is not for king, Lemuel, it is not for kings to drink wine, neither is strong drink for rulers. Lest he drink and forget what was made law, and change the judgment of all the impoverished. Give strong drink to the one who is perishing and wine to those of bitter soul. Let him drink and forget his poverty, and let him remember his misery no more.

Although many would like to separate these verses, I’m not sure they should be. The first verse is a statement, the second is a reason, and the next two are examples for Lemuel to compare himself to.

There is a point for everyone who consumes alcohol when they lose control. That point for each differs; however, the result is the same. Queen Mum is not focused on the recklessness that crossing over the line causes, she is focused on those who may be affected by a king who crosses that line. Her concern is for those who need their king to be wise.

We loose control in so many ways; anger, eating, health, money, time, to name but a few.

Who should consume strong drink? It should be given to those who are at the end of their lives, those who have allowed bitterness to consume them, and those who are in poverty. Why? So they can forget their situation.

She doesn’t instruct Lemuel not to be like the dying, the bitter, and those impoverished. She doesn’t need to. She is instructing him to take care of them, and in doing so, to be different than them.

Speak Out

Open your mouth for those who cannot speak for themselves, to the cause of all whose help has passed. Open your mouth, judge justly and plead the cause of the poor and needy.

Lemuel, one last thing before we talk about who you want as a partner, be a good person. There would be no greater epitaph then this: He protected those who are unable to protect themselves. He helped those who felt helpless. He judged justly. He pleaded the case for the poor and needy.

Although this was given to a young man who would become king, these are words for all. Before we go looking at someone else’s qualities, let’s make sure we have the basics covered. If there were no other instructions given in scripture, these two verses give us a life time of opportunity.

Yes, Lemuel, before we look at your partner, let me give you one final instruction about your own character, be a good man.

The Real Woman

A woman of valor who can find, for her price is beyond pearls.

I read this verse and I get goose bumps, I sit up straighter and edge forward in my chair. A woman of valor. What could that mean? It calls me. It makes me take note. Who can find? Is she that rare? Why is that? Doesn’t everyone want to be unique? Doesn’t everyone want to be different, to be special, to be compared to a rare gem? I do! I want to know what it takes to be that. In my ears this verse rings out like a battle cry, “Woman of valor, where are you? We are looking for you. We need you!’

I want to wave my hand in the air and yell, “Here I am. Tell me what I need to do to considered.”

Nothing like grabbing our attention from the start. A woman of valor – this is someone special, someone important, someone unique. Who can find – she is rare. There aren’t many like her. For her price is beyond pearls – you can’t buy this one, you can’t afford her. I love it! I already know I want to be her, whoever she is!

Valor: boldness or determination in facing great danger, especially in battle; heroic courage; bravery:

What could possible describe this woman? Queen Mum, pray tell, describe this woman to me…

2 – What?

2 What, my son, and what, the son of my womb, and what, the son of my vows?

At first glance this seems like a nonsensical verse. There’s a lot of Whats going on. Sometimes it’s the nonsensical ones that force us to look deeper. Queen Mum is not asking this of her son, she is asking it of herself. What, my son, shall I teach you?

As mom’s, we are faced with these questions;

  • What shall I teach you?
  • What will you need to make it in this world?
  • What will allow you to survive?
  • What will help you succeed?
  • What? What? What?This is not exclusive to moms. If you do not have children or your children are grown and your motherly duties are over, you aren’t off the hook. There are several places in scripture where older women are instructed to teach the younger.

Titus 2:3 Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior, not malicious gossips nor enslaved to much wine, teaching what is good.

We live in a world where many woman come out of homes that did not provide a strong, healthy image of a woman. As children, these images are imprinted in our minds and until we are confronted with a different image, we remained programed to what we have experienced.

1. What example did your mother set for you?


2. Who was your female role model growing up?



Why? Why? Why? Why did she choose to teach him what to look for in a partner? Why isn’t this proverb about being a strong leader, or managing money, or entrepreneurship? Why isn’t it about being holy, living the ten commandments, or attending temple regularly?

Queen Mum knew something. She understood that finding a partner who is confident, self- sufficient, with a strong and mature character would allow him every advantage to be the best he could be. A mom who takes the time to teach such things must have also taken the time to develop equal character in her own son.

This is in no way a proverb that is sexist, far from it. Queen Mum was raising the future King. She was teaching her son what a good woman looks like. She knew he would be inundated with potential wives; he could have the pick of litter. Queen Mum knew the character required to be queen. I believe that if this proverb was given to her daughter, it would be very much the same.

What? What? What? What do you need to learn? What do I need to teach you? Most importantly, What am I teaching you?

Moxy Lesson 1

Audio Lesson: https://youtu.be/7HSA0FKULJo 


The Queen Mum

1 The words of Lemuel the king; a prophecy that his mother chastised him;

Translation: the king is retelling what the Queen Mum taught him about being a woman. In this first stanza I am already flooded with questions:

How did she teach this? Undoubtable it was not a one time, “sit down I have something to tell you,” discussion. It it had been, this conversation would have been lost in the abundance of knowledge a king has to possess.

Was it taught only in word? Did the Queen Mum have a class in finding the perfect woman? Was it in his curriculum, taught by his tutors?

Rarely lessons taught in word alone are remembered in such detail. And even more rarely thought important enough to record. So we have to ask, Was Queen Mum the living example of such a woman? Did her words match her actions? Did her actions match her character? Did mum live them?

Actions can nullify a lifetime of words in a instant. You can diligently teach your children to talk kindly; don’t yell, be respectful, but when they are driving you crazy in the middle of the grocery store and you yell out, “Knock it off.” Or “Hey kid of mine, STOP IT!” you’ve somehow watered down your message. You can teach a child to respect authority, but when you are relieved that the police officer you just passed didn’t pulled you over even though you were 20 miles over the speed limit, respecting authority looks different. Who we are speaks volumes over what we say.

Little Lemuel must have witnessed his mum being these words. As he grew, she must have opened her heart to him; showing him the type of partner he deserved, the type of person she longed for him to find.

It was interesting to me to read that it has not yet been discovered who King Lemuel was or where he reigned as king. This fact interests me, but mostly it excites me.

Somewhere in history, a mother taught her son about relationships, about character; she showed him what ‘good’ looks like. Her example has set a bar that countless have tried to attain.

A woman from nowhere has been acknowledged everywhere and will live forever in Proverbs 31. We all have the potential to influence our children, our world, and generations to come.