What About Grace?

What about grace post from Jeannie Bruenning

What about grace post from Jeannie Bruenning


My sisters and I are in complete agreement that when God was handing out the Gift of Mercy, he missed our family completely, at least our generation. If you’re not familiar with the concept of the Gift of Mercy, don’t stress over it. We’re preachers kids and learned all that bible stuff before we were tweens. We can quote The Gifts, The Fruits and break into song when reciting the Books of the Bible. None of which qualified as a talent in a beauty contest.

We grew up in church – literally. In fact, if you can get to heaven with church attendance frequent flier miles, the three of us could fill multiple 747’s with friends and family  – one way tickets only.

My eldest sister always felt led to start a Slap Ministry. We all thought it was a good idea. Someone does something stupid and who do you call? The SLAP MINISTRY of course. Mercy – it’s just not part of our DNA. 

But what about GRACE? Where does grace fit into life? Grace is when your actions deserve a punishment, but grace comes in and offers forgiveness and lets you walk away. I love the idea of Grace. To be honest, as a person who doesn’t have an ounce of mercy, showing grace doesn’t always come easy.

Today, as I looked down into the biggest green eyes I’ve ever seen, these words past over my lips and into the bruised heart of a sixteen year old. “There is no reason why I should allow you to do this, but…” and she finished the sentence, “you’re going to let me?” 

“Yep,” I said. “It’s called grace and you need to learn about it.” We got into the car and it took all my self-control to hold back the tears. Grace received is amazing. Grace offered is an indescribable experience. I’m all about accountability. I believe for every action there is a consequence. But there are times that Grace supersedes them all. 

Where does this thing called Grace come from? It’s not on the list of a fruit or a gift. It just is. Maybe it’s like forgiveness, always available. Maybe it’s like spiritual air that is all around us, a never ending supply and we just have to breath it in.

How do we learn about grace? Only by experiencing it. How do we experience it? Because someone who had every right to punish us says, “You’re forgiven.” 


Hills of Malibu

I love Malibu. I’ll never forget the first time Jeff and I drove PCH (Pacific Coast Highway) from Pismo to LAX. Entering Malibu from the north end was breath taking. The Pacific on the right and green rolling hills on the left. The hills were dotted with sprawling estates surrounded by majestic palm tree and elaborate entrance ways. As you are entering Malibu, there’s a sign that reads, 27 Miles of Scenic Beauty. Scenic Beauty does not begin to describe this masterpiece.

As the news reports began telling us of the fires, devastation, and danger, it was hard to imagine.

It’s hard to image the reality of seeing any of California terrain on fire. These majestic hills in a blaze of flames and smoke. It is even harder to imagine how those fighting these enormous blazes can get them under control. It’s nothing less than miraculous.

Returning from a cold and wintery visit to Wisconsin, we flew into LAX this morning. I was hoping to drive through Malibu on our way home but wasn’t sure if the roads were open. We entered the city limits and its beauty did not disappoint. Life appeared to be normal.

Behind Pepperdine University we saw the first signs of what the fires had done. Seconds later it was all very real. We were no longer looking up into the hills, rather, we were looking at the burnt curbsides. Mile after mile. We kept putting the camera down thinking, surely we must be at the end. But we weren’t.

Stop signs replaced traffic lights. Utility teams replacing power lines. Police vehicles blocking the entrance to all side streets. This beautiful place has changed. The news will attempt to tell the stories but they can’t possible show us real life. Those of us who are watching from a distance can’t possible know depth of the loss for those who have lost everything.

Malibu Fire 2018 Jeannie BruenningMalibu Fire 2018 Jeannie BruenningwO5OHuIPQ0ukfmJhFf86gw%X1YAm8+RxOG6Hw2Kiq+4AMalibu Fire 2018 Jeannie BruenningMalibu Fire 2018 Jeannie BruenningMalibu Fire 2018 Jeannie BruenningMalibu Fire 2018 Jeannie BruenningMalibu Fire 2018 Jeannie BruenningMalibu Fire 2018 Jeannie BruenningMalibu Fire 2018 Jeannie BruenningMalibu Fire 2018 Jeannie BruenningMalibu Fire 2018 Jeannie BruenningMalibu Fire 2018 Jeannie BruenningMalibu Fire 2018 Jeannie BruenningMalibu Fire 2018 Jeannie Bruenning

What Grounds You?

Are You Grounded? and grand-parenting by Jeannie Bruenning

Are You Grounded? and grand-parenting by Jeannie BruenningWhat grounds you? she asked the small group that had gathered for an evening of reflection. I had to chuckle to myself. The word grounded had surfaced frequently over the past week.

Our new grand-parenting life has changed our vocabulary a bit. Questions like, Do you have homework? What time will you be home? Who’s driving?, are now regularly asked.

The word grounded was one of those words I assumed had run it’s course. We didn’t use it much with the kids were teens. Being grounded was simply a challenge for our oldest and our youngest never needed to be. I remember the few times we did use it as a punishment, it quickly translated in more work for me.

Grounded is typically connected to a negative situation. A plane is grounded due to weather, kids get grounded for punishment. Grounded, stuck, imprisoned…it’s a force that prevents movement.

This past week I pulled the old punishment out of retirement and used it in hopes of reinforcing an important lesson.

When I was asked, “So, am I grounded?” I wanted to respond, “God I hope so!!! I want you to be grounded in the…

  •  knowledge of who you are and the an amazing human you are becoming.
  •  understanding that love surrounds you every day, all day.
  •  belief that there is nothing you have to do to make God love you more.
  •  faith that nothing is impossible and your life is unfolding before you and will lead you to amazing, unimaginable places.”

My response was, “Let’s call it house arrest and see how the weekend goes.”

We all need to be under house arrest from time to time. We need a force that prevents us from movement. It’s in those time of quiet, stillness, times when nothing seems to be happening that allow us to become just a little more grounded. It’s in those times we can figure out, “What grounds us?”


Check out these projects:

Define Your Purpose is a study in finding passion and purpose in everyday life. It’s a great step in becoming more grounded. 

Living Unstuck, finding your joy.

We Were Given a Gift

jeannie bruenning

A few months ago Jeff and I were given a gift we never expected. If we had been asked three months ago if we wanted such a gift, we would most likely have laughed. 

The gift is a human. She’s 4’8”, but claims to be 4’9”. She’s lived less than a one-third our life span and is required to go to school every day. It’s been 16 years since we’ve had a 16-year-old in our home and when we stop to think of the reality of it, it makes our eyes twitch, heads shake and hands tremble. 

But she is our gift. She’s a beautiful soul that loves life and whose favorite word is “EXCITING!” She offers abundant hugs, is generous with her thank-you’s, and says, “Oh Hoppy!” at the appropriate times. 

We were awarded temporary custody of our grand-daughter because a lawyer and a judge felt she needed a break from home life. There are gaps. There are holes. There are missing pieces that Jeff and I get to fill – and fix – and help heal. Of anything we have ever done in our lives, this moment in time out shines them all.

We continue to hear comments about how wonderful it was that we were willing to take this precious, crazy, fun, life loving soul in. To which I have to ask, “Given the option, wouldn’t everyone do this?”

Three months ago Jeff and I were two old – but not that old – couple deciding what time to meet on the front porch. We were beginning to joke about senior moments, now we discuss 16-year-old adventures. Life used to be nice, but as the song says, “Nice is different than good.”

Today, life is good – which is different than nice. In fact, it’s way better. 

We are now grand-parenting to prepare, rather than parenting to protect. We get to be a part in preparing this human for life, for independence, for a future filled with possibilities.

A willing soul will find plenty of opportunity to impact lives. Scary opportunities can turn out abundantly rewarding.

Most of all,  good is so much better than nice. 



A Perfect Storm

I’ve alway wondered about the name  A Perfect Storm. We don’t describe anything else in this manner. We don’t say the Perfect Illness or Perfect Plane-crash, but somehow a storm that is likely to cause great devastation is classified as perfect.

I saw the movie Perfect Storm and I can still see the giant wall of water staring down at the little boat, finally crashing down over it. It is in those scenes that I wonder if I would have the strength to hold on. 

We have storms in our own lives. Some are perfect and some aren’t. Some come with warning and some take us by surprise. How do we navigate them? Is it possible for us to not allow them to capsize us or take us under?

The secret is we have to prepare before the clouds begin gathering or the radar sends out warnings. The two important elements we need to have stock piled in huge quantities are forgiveness and gratitude. It’s much easier to practice these  before the storm arrives then in the midst when you’re fighting just to hang on.

Weathering life’s storms can take us off course, put us in places we never thought we would visit. Having the strength to offer forgiveness and finding ways to be grateful in any situation takes practice. 

We can survive any storm, even a perfect storm.

When it’s all over and seas have calmed and the sun is peaking through the white billowing clouds, we will find the strength to be grateful for the lessons learned and strong person we’ve become.


Rules for Walking on Water

Walking on WaterI remember as a kid confidently stepping off the side of the swimming pool with every intention of walk across to the other side, only to find myself plugging my nose before the cold clear water filled my sinuses as I sunk to the bottom.

I’m still fascinated by the idea of walking on water. I’ve come to realize that the opportunity to walk on water comes frequently – and it doesn’t require a swimming pool or lake, it doesn’t even require water.

Walking on water are those times in life when we find ourselves being called out into the unknown and we’re pulled between our desire, our fears, and our reality.

These moments have been plentiful lately in my life and there are some lessons I’ve learned

Don’t Look Down. 

Looking down is the same as looking at our resources; money, time, abilities, man-power. Walking on water never provides directions, it requires trusting that what we need will show up when we need it. It’s believing that our next step will be supported by what will remain invisible until you take the next step. 

When we are stepping out onto uncertain waters we:

  • can’t see the bottom
  • don’t know where our next step is going to land
  • can’t be fearful that there will be no foundation to support us
  • have to believe that when we need to make the next step we will stay afloat

Don’t Look Back.

When we look back we bring the past into our present. We can be certain that it will wrap itself around us like cinder block and pulls us under in a blink. So don’t blink and don’t look back.

Turn Off the Voices Saying You Can’t.

In the Bible story of Peter walking on water, he had eleven friends sitting in the boat voicing their great concern of his actions. When we hear those voices telling us we can’t, consider where they are coming from. Those who have never attempted walking on water will never understand why we would. Graciously thank them for their concern and get on with it.

Never-ever Look into the Storm.

The storm represents the circumstances which swirl around us like the wind. It can change direction in a moment. It takes the attention off the goal. Gazing into the storm only ends badly with us sinking quickly into the cold, dark, wetness.

This is what happened to Peter in the story. As Jesus reaches down to rescue Peter, he says, “You had it! You were doing it until you took your eyes off me…” When our circumstances become our focus, we loose our footing and courage.

Get Out of the Boat!

None of this can happen until we get out of the boat. Peter was in a boat with eleven close friends who were filled with fear. He managed to find the courage to throw one leg over the edge and begin his adventure. Getting out of the boat is up to us. No one else can make the decision.

Walking on Water is scary, exhilarating, exciting and terrifying. It can take us places that don’t make any sense. Sometimes it takes us places we never imagined. Often it takes us to the door of our dreams. 

The one thing we can certain of – it will change our lives forever.