I do believe I have figured out the secret to panty lines…buy underwear that fits!
“What you said”
We Skyped Raun frequently. During one of those calls Jeff scolded the dog by saying “get the hell out of here”. Again forgetting his audience I hurried he and the dog out of the room and closed the door. Making my way back to the computer I heard Chase ask where Grandpa Jeff was.
“He said a bad word and I made him sit in the time-out chair.”
“I want to take to him.”
“But he needs to sit for a while.”
“I need to talk to him.”
I left the room to get Jeff and inform him of the seriousness in Chase’s voice. As Jeff came in view of the computer Chase began his lecture…
“Grandpa Jeff, what you said?”
“I yelled at Ellie.”
“But what you said?”
“I can’t say it again or Grandma will put me in time-out.”
“You have to nice to Ellie. You have to give her treats.”
“But I can’t give her too many treats or she’ll get fat.”
“You give her just one treat” Holding his finger up to emphasize the ONE. “And you be nice to her.”
Leaving Alaska
We had other visitor for New Years, Brain and Austyn flew in to spend a few days with us. This was not just a visit, they had hoped Brian would find a job here and they would be able to move before the baby come. It was always Austyn’s desire to live close to us while her children were small.
The trip was successful, they returned to Anchorage with a job offer in hand. Plans were made. Austyn would fly in and Brian would load the jeep and trailer on the ferry for a nine day’s journey. By the middle of February they were both here, safe and sound. Austyn was 7 months pregnant. Doctors needed to be found, hospitals toured and birthing classes attended. There were two short months left to prepare for Liam Barrington Ford.
There are about 6 plastic crates in the garage that house favorite items from Raun and Austyn’s childhood. In one of those crates are Raun’s legos and transformers. Transformers from 25 years ago are much different than the one you buy now. They would have to be to last 25 years.
Raun and Chase made their way to the garage, selected the crate that said “Raun’s Toys” and opened it. Chase sat next to the crate, excited to see what was inside. As Raun pulled each transformer out and talked about it Chase seemed almost hesitate to touch them. These were precious items. Even Chases voice changes. He spoke as if he were in the presence of greatness. “Aren’t toys wonderful, Raun.”, he said.
There were new toys upstairs only about 24 hours old but they just didn’t compare to this box of the most amazing, wonderful toys – the Transformers. There isn’t a phone call that goes by where Chase doesn’t bring up the transformers in the basement.
Pirate Children
Going to the beach during Christmas vacation is part of the fun of living in California. We made it to the beach every day. Sage said we live in an upside down world. She also said she wanted to come back in the summer when it would be winter here, that’s what happens in an upside down world. We walked along the beach and three small children made their way into the water, we found sea shells and explored the dunes. Sand dunes are great fun with children. They can run, jump, slide, roll and build the most amazing sand objects ever. To a kid the dunes look as large as mountains. Grandpa Jeff helped make sand cars, sand castles and even sand mermaids.
At the entrance to the sand dunes is a restaurant with a statue of a large pirate out in front. As the kids stood for a picture I nick named them “the pirate children”. From that point on all I had to do was refer to the “pirate children” and they knew we were going to the beach.
Our days were filled with sun, sand and water and our evening were filled with baths to remove the sand, dinner to fill those little pirate stomachs and the Muppets. Every night we would put on an episode of the Muppets and laugh and sing ourselves to bed time.
New Years Eve came and we all stated our goal for 2009, toasted each other and watched the Muppets. The car was almost packed, they would head out then next day. The biggest problem with making such a long road trip is the thought of having to return.
Christmas Visitors
Jeff and I were planning on spending Christmas alone. Travel for any of us was just too costly to fit it in this year. Austyn and Brian would in Colorado for Christmas and spend New Years in California, but Christmas would has Thanksgiving had been – just the two of us. About a week before Christmas Raun called to inform us that we were renting a car and driving to California for Christmas. We were excited at the thought that they would be here but concerned about the thought of them driving in December two-thirds the way across the country.
They were packed and loaded. We followed along on the map anticipating their time of arrival. We planned to drive north to meet them and drive them into back to Pismo. As we sat on this unique Christmas Eve in the Starbucks parking lot the time pasted. Just around sunset in they pulled. Tired, hungry and sick of being in a car, we loaded them back in and drove home.
Christmas morning was as it should be. Early risers excited that Santa had found them in California. We opened presents in pjs. As apprehensive as we had been about the long drive we were thrilled that they were with us for the holidays.