Co-Creative Writing Group – Next Session Begins Oct 8th

The Writer’s Journey begins with the first word.
The Writer’s Journey can feel long, lonely, and sometimes, unattainable. But it is a journey like no other and one that is worth all of your time and energy. It’s a journey that stretches and strengthens, illuminates and surprises, is scary and outrageously rewarding.
Stop putting it off and let’s take time to write together!
Next Session begins October 8th. Join me from 8 – 9:30am PST for a Zoom Co-Creative Writing Group.
What is a co-creative group? A group of creatives, focused on their individuals projects, working separately together, creating a creative energy like none other. I think they are magical.
6-week course: $75
Each week we will begin with a time of preparing our space and minds, engage in a little writing activity to get the creative juices juicing, have a brief discussion on the writing process, and then write! Discussion Topics: The Space, Begin, Trust the Process, First Draft, Editing, Publishing Options.
Whether you are just beginning, have several books in mind, or have been writing for years, I invite you to set this time aside and see where your muse takes you.
I’m excited about the opportunity to write together. I look forward to meeting you and finding out about your project. I’ll be working on a stage script for a musical and a 6-set journal collection.
~ Jeannie

I’m so glad our paths have crossed and I get to share my words with you. I’m kinda a word person. I think finding the right words to tell a story is the best part of story telling. Like most, my life has been filled with many adventures. Some happy, some sad, some painful, but all brought me closer to who I am today. My hope is that in my words, you too will find lessons, comfort, and most of all laughter.
My word for you today is this: Live A Great Story!
Some things I’ve written…

For the stage…
Caffeinated – On Stage

Scripts for the Stage:
- Caffeinated – On Stage
- The Art of Letting Go
- The Land of OO
- Deck the Hall and All that Jazz